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The Strider Bike Stand does exactly what the name says: keeps your bike standing up tall and looking proud after you’ve had a hard day of riding.

Because we like making things super easy for our customers, the Strider Bike Stand accommodates a wide variety of tire widths.

Fits Strider 12 Classic, Sport, Pro, and Strider 14x Sport.

Strider Bike Stand

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    Strider Sports International, Inc. produces the finest and best selling Strider® Bikes, Balance Bikes, Toddler Bikes, Push Bikes, Running Bikes, Walking Bikes, Baby Bikes, and No Pedal Bikes. No matter what you call it, a Strider® Balance Bike is the best way to learn how to ride on two wheels.

     © 2017 by MooOink Pte Ltd. 189-B Thomson Road, GoldHill Shopping Center Singapore 307631
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